Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Book Club has Moved to Dec

I have been talking to a few people about book club and the verdict is to move it to December. Jessica Mortensen and Allison Larsen are hosting a new moon party up at Avimore on Thursday night. I thought about rescheduling it for next tues night but that is basketball for a lot of the guys. We'll just plan on talking about Uglies and then whatever Katie decides to pick for the Dec read. Jessica and Allison said to be sure and invite any and everyone to the New Moon Party at Avimore. If you aren't sure about how to get there you can call me or Jessica. See you there!


  1. All are welcome to the party and the more the better. It will be fun. Bring some kind of food item to share. Even if you don't plan on going to the midnight showing we would still love for you to come.

  2. So are we going to try for December 17th for the next Book Club? If so then we are fine to have it at my house.
