"Alice Howland has a career as an esteemed psychology professor at Harvard, living a comfortable life in Cambridge with her husband, John, when the first symptoms of Alzheimer's begin to emerge. First, Alice can't find her Blackberry, then she becomes hopelessly disoriented in her own town. Alice is shocked to be diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's, after which her life begins steadily to unravel. She loses track of rooms in her home, resigns from Harvard and eventually cannot recognize her own children. The brutal facts of Alzheimer's are heartbreaking, but this book is one of the unity that can come to a family who have to band together to love and nurture the woman who always loved and nurtured them."
We will discuss this book on November 18th, 8:00pm at Allison Larsen's house, 431 S Burgundy Bay Way!
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